Get set for a great weekend of fishing
Get set for what’s sure to be a great weekend of fishing and laughter as we roll out the Petone Charity Fishing Competition in support of The Child Cancer Foundation.
Hosted by the Petone Club, Hutt Valley Hunting & Fishing and the Mediaworks Foundation and held on Waitangi Weekend 2025 (7th to the 8th of February 2025) with a host of great prizes on offer for a range of categories including Groper, Terakihi and Trevally, Auctions on both days auctioning off all of the fish caught and access to a range of great food and beverage offerings it’s sure to be a fantastic weekend.
How do I enter ?
You can enter in one of 3 ways.
You can enter online or by downloading the Entry Form and bringing it into the Petone Club before Friday the 7th of February 2025.
We will also be allowing entries on the Briefing Night (Friday 7th of February 2025) if you want to enter then.
Goody Bags
Be one of the first 100 Adults or 30 Juniors to win a goody bag
Adult Goody Bags left
0Junior Goody Bags left
The Water Competition
Hit the water and catch some monsters in the Water Competition. You will need a boat and crew to enter into this one, so get the girls and boys together for a weekend full of fishing and good times.
There are plenty of species to catch and tons of fantastic prizes on offer so you would be crazy to miss out on one of the greatest contests around.
All fish caught are auctioned off on the day and all proceeds go to our well deserved charities so it doesn't matter whether you win anything or not. You're sure to have a great time and will be safe in the knowledge that your hard work is all going towards a worthy cause.
So sign up today.
View PrizesWater Categories
- Groper
- Kingfish
- Snapper
- Terakihi
- Blue Cod
- Gurnard
- Trevally
- Top Child Angler
- Most Species Caught
The Land Competition
The Land Competition will take place alongside the Water Competition and will be set to the same times and rules (where applicable).
So get yourself ready and make sure you're in for a weekend of hauling in the big ones. There are heaps of prizes on offer along with all the lucky angler prizes so there's not much stopping you from having a great weekend fishing!!
View PrizesLand Categories
- Kingfish
- Moki
- Snapper
- Kahawai
- Gurnard
- Trevally
- Blue Cod
- Top Child Angler
- Most Species Caught

All contestants must be paid up competitors (no passengers). No fishing substitution will be allowed.
Rods and hand-lines ONLY are to be used. No set lines, kontikis, longlines, droppers, nets or any other method is allowed.
Any rig with more than 3 hooks is ruled as a long line/set line and is therefore banned.
Water Contest fishing grounds: The northern boundary is a straight line from just north of Kapiti island to co-ordinates S40’652 E174’831. The southern boundary is a straight line from Cape Palliser to co-ordinates S41’671 E174’390. The western boundary is to co-ordinates S41’323 E174’385. Excluding all marine reserves.
Land Contest fishing grounds are set at just north of Kapiti Island to Cape Paliser as designated in the contest map.
The Water Competition starts at 5:00am and finishes 3:00pm on both Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February.
The Land Competition will start at 5:00am on Saturday the 8th of February and conclude at 3:00pm on Sunday the 9th of February. Land Competitors will be able to fish through the night.
The weigh station closes at 5:30pm. Closing time is FINAL. Starting and finishing times can be changed at the organizer’s discretion for whatever reason.
All fish submitted for weighing in must be entire – no gutting except for Kingfish, Kahawai and Tuna which must be bled. All tags to be worn/carried by each individual angler and displayed at fish weigh-in.
Prizes will be awarded for the following species: – Snapper, Kingfish, Groper, Terakihi, Blue Cod, Trevally, Gurnard and Tuna for the Water Competition and Kingfish, Moki, Snapper, Kahawai, Gurnard, Trevally and Blue Cod for the Land Competition.
In the event of a tie, the first fish submitted will be the winner. All fish submitted for weighing will become the property of the Petone Working Men’s Club and will be auctioned on both days soon after the final measuring.
Any angler that has fish taken by MPI or not complying with MFish regulations or daily bag limits will result in automatic disqualification from the competition and all prizes.
Any vessel where an angler has been disqualified will result in the whole vessel being disqualified.
Prize giving will take place on the final day of fishing after the conclusion of the fish auction.
Prizes cannot be redeemed for cash under any circumstances. All prizes must be claimed within ONE month of prize giving or on terms set out by the Organisers.
Any cancellation will be posted on the Petone Charity Fishing Competitions Facebook page: or Gordon can be contacted on 027 318 1959 as a last resort.
If both Saturday and Sunday are unsuitable for fishing then the prizegiving will be held on Sunday the 9th of February at 6:00pm and all prizes shall be given away as lucky anglers.
Any angler entering that is under the age of 14 as of 1st of February 2025 will be entered into the Junior category of the respective contest entered. No exceptions.
a. All vessels must carry 2 forms of operational mobile communication, VHF Radio (hand-held VHF is okay) and cellphone. One approved Life Jacket per person and one current hand-held flare, and/or 406mhz EPIRB. No exceptions – this is a competition requirement.
b. All vessels in the contest must monitor CH 14 repeater,(owned by the Wellington Coastguard and the Mana Coastguard). CH2
c. (04) 568 5404 or 027 318 1959 – Competition HQ – can be used as a last resort if radio contact fails.
d. Distress safety calling channel in the first instance is CH 16. Failing that CH 62 or CH 71
e. All vessels must be operationally compliant
f. In addition to the mandatory equipment stated above, it is strongly recommended that the following items are carried on each vessel:
– More than 1 working Mobile Phone (Boats)
– Working Navigation lights
– First Aid Kit
– Anchor and Warp
– Bilge pump
– Bucket
– Paddle(s)
– Compass
– Knife
– Fire Extinguisher
– Spare fuel
– Torch
– Emergency tool kit
g. Always take care on rocks and dangerous surfaces.
Special thanks to the Wellington & Mana Coastguard for the use of their repeater. Please remember Coastguard has priority over this channel.
Anglers will be scrutinized at the Club’s discretion.
Any abuse of officials/helpers will result in disqualification from the competition.
Boating and other water sports can be dangerous and life threatening activities. Skippers are responsible for ensuring the safety of their own boats, crew and boating equipment. All entrants and boat owners participate at their own risk.
The Petone Working Men’s Club, its partners, its employees, officers, sponsors and volunteers (together “the organizers”) accept no responsibility in any respect for personal injury, loss or damage to property arising out of or in connection with the Competition, regardless of cause. Each entrant releases the organizers to the fullest extent permitted by law from all claims or demands of any kind and from all liability which may arise in respect of any incident associated with the Competition. Each entrant also agrees not to bring any action, claim or demand against the organizers in respect of the Competition and agrees to indemnify the organizers for all costs, claims, demands, expenses (including full legal expenses) arising in respect of their participation in the Competition.
Scrutineering of anglers by the organizers is not to be taken as an endorsement as to the safety of said angler, their equipment or the experience of their crew.
The holding of the Competition does not constitute an endorsement by the organizers that the weathers or sea conditions are suitable for the boats and/or entrants.
The Competition is held in the spirit of amateur fishing and fair competition. If, in the opinion of the Petone Charity Fishing Competition Committee, competitors have breached the spirit of the Competition the Committee reserves the right to exclude competitor(s). The Committee’s decision is final.
The organisers reserve the right to alter or reduce the value of the prize pool due to any event out of control of the organizers (Force Majeure) whether in respect to supply of prizes or otherwise.
Any competitor that wishes to dispute the results of the contest must do so within 7 days of the competitions completion.
To do so, the competitor must fill out a Dispute form supplied by the competition and return it to the Petone Club either via hand delivery or via email to with in the 7 days (Sunday 16th February 2025)
The dispute will be investigated and if found to be upheld then the competition will aim to rectify the situation to the best of its ability.
Lucky Angler Prizes
We give away several Lucky Angler prizes on Friday 7th February and Sunday 9th February. To win a prize then the winner must be entered into the contest and at the Petone Club when the prize is drawn. The winner must be the person to collect the prize.
If a winner is drawn but is not at the Petone Club and/or does not claim their prize then their number will be removed from the draw.
Lucky Angler prizes will be given away on Friday and Sunday.
Alterations to these conditions is at the Organisers discretion.
The Fish Auction
From 4:00 pm on both Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February a Fish Auction shall be held where fish caught during the day are auctioned off. All proceeds from the auction go towards the nominated charities.
Open to the general public
It is illegal to buy, sell or swap recreationally caught seafood.
All fish bought will need to be paid and signed for on the day.

The Child Cancer Foundation
- A dedicated Family Support Coordinator to provide strength in times of doubt, comfort in times of sadness and celebrate times of joy
- Wellbeing Packs this pack contains items that support parents wellbeing
- Travel Assistance for the cumulative parking, petrol and travel costs for hospital visits
- Holiday Homes in Taupo and Arrowtown - allowing families to enjoy a break and create new precious memories
- Personal Development Grants for children with cancer, their siblings or parents
- Household Support with essential living costs that families may struggle with during this difficult time
- Support in the Community such as camps, events and activities for children and their families
- Family Places in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin, all within walking distance of the local hospital

Coastguard is the charity saving lives at sea. We're on a mission to help Kiwis get the best out of their time on the water, safely and with confidence. Last year Coastguard's 1,963 volunteers gave their time to help bring nearly 8,000 Kiwis back home safely to dry land - from Cape Rēinga to Bluff and across the coastlines, major rivers and lakes of Aotearoa.
We save lives by teaching Kiwis to make the most of our waters through our education programmes and community initiatives, by providing critical marine communications infrastructures and safety and information services.
None of this would be possible without the financial support we receive from our funders, partners, members and donors who generously give to Coastguard so that our volunteers can continue to be there when Kiwis need them most.